TEENs Zone
Teens ages 12-17 years old are provided with teen-friendly activities. Including a basketball tournament against City of Milwaukee Police Officers (includes a dunk contest and three-point shooting contest), Double Dutch Jump Rope Contest, Hula Hoop Contest, Spoken Word, Music and other activities.
Located in the Walgreen’s Parking lot on King Drive and Locust Street. A comfortable setting with tents and chairs for seniors to relax and enjoy the festival. Seniors have their own DJ, have a variety of activities (including, karaoke, bingo and variety of card games (tournaments).
KIDs Zone
Kids Zone is held on Martin Luther King Elementary School Playground and attracts youth ages 5-12, it’s a safe place for kids to enjoy the festival. Kids Zone features carnival rides, petting zoo, pony rides and other kid friendly activities.
Veterans Zone
Veterans Zone is Located on the northeast end of Bernice & Clinton Rose Park. Supportive services for veterans of all branches of the military. Creates an opportunity to meet other veterans, trade stories, acquire badly need resources and come togethers with others who've served our country.
FEATURING: Commanding General Maj. Gen. Johnny Davis CLICK HERE 
Veterans Zone
Veterans Zone is Located on the northeast end of Bernice & Clinton Rose Park. Supportive services for veterans of all branches of the military. Creates an opportunity to meet other veterans, trade stories, acquire badly need resources and come togethers with others who've served our country.
Located in the Walgreen’s Parking lot on King Drive and Locust Street. A comfortable setting with tents and chairs for seniors to relax and enjoy the festival. Seniors have their own DJ, have a variety of activities (including, karaoke, bingo and variety of card games (tournaments).
FEATURING: Commanding General Maj. Gen. Johnny Davis CLICK HERE 
KIDs Zone
Kids Zone is held on Martin Luther King Elementary School Playground and attracts youth ages 5-12, it’s a safe place for kids to enjoy the festival. Kids Zone features carnival rides, petting zoo, pony rides and other kid friendly activities.
TEENs Zone
Teens ages 12-17 years old are provided with teen-friendly activities. Including a basketball tournament against City of Milwaukee Police Officers (includes a dunk contest and three-point shooting contest), Double Dutch Jump Rope Contest, Hula Hoop Contest, Spoken Word, Music and other activities.